Friday, October 18, 2013

What is the funniest thing that has happened as a result of participating in this challenge?

Amanda ~ The funniest thing that happened while participating in the challenge that I can think of was on one of our group runs we asked a friend if she would like to join us, and we decided to meet up at her house and with getting all organized for the run we threw all our belongings in her house, and I shut the door behind me not realizing it was locked, So we were all locked out of her house with all our cell phones and keys locked inside! So we ended up running to her Mom's phoning the locksmith and then running back, which ended up to be pretty close to our 5KM we normally run. Once we got back to the house we checked the back door and it was unlocked the whole time. Made for an interesting morning run.

The photographs below are in front of her Mom's house.

Garth ~ While constructing our food bank sculpture I complained about wearing safety glasses and said what could happen doing this. I then turned around and got jabbed in the side of the face by one of the metal rods Michelle was hanging things from.